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Here’s what’s coming up THIS WEEK AT SOUTHSIDE. Also, you can view this week's church bulletin by clicking on the file at the bottom of this post.


—Joint Memorial Service for Charles and Sheryl Stull here in our Sanctuary. Visitation is at 10am. Service is at 11am.

SUNDAY (8/25)

—Sunday School at 9:45am

—Worship at 11:00am

MONDAY (8/26)

—Ladies Prayer Fellowship at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary


—AWANA’s “Aloha Night” from 5:45-7:30pm

—S2 Youth Group (6th-12th gd.) from 5:45-7:30pm

—Prayer Meeting & Bible Study from 6:30-7:30pm


—Sunday Night services start back (11/1)

—Operation Christmas Child Shoebox deadline (11/15)

—Children’s Nativity Play (12/13)

Please also remember the family of Mr. Rudy Mims in your prayers. Mr. Mims passed away this week. He is the brother of Mrs. Joan Swain. There will be a memorial service for him Sunday afternoon (8/25) in Monroe, GA.